Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Day on the Isle of Thunder


There, on the horizon to the Northwest, do you see it? Daggers of lightning spear through clusters of dark clouds filling the air with electricity you can feel crackling against your skin. There’s a sense of foreboding that clings, and something else . . . .

Act I: The Premise
Let me tell you a tale. To set the scene, Rise of the Thunder King: Patch 5.2 is live and we’re a week into the new content. It’s a typical afternoon and as I fire up my computer, I can feel relaxation set in as my mind ponders the many things I hope to accomplish in game. wow power leveling

Act II: Adventure is Not a Four Letter Word
I'm itching to head to the Isle of Thunder, but I know I have time to weave in a few other day to day quests and tasks. Being a farming nut I have some crops I want to tend to first!

The Valley of the Four Winds has always felt like a place of such great harmony. My kinship with The Tillers of the Valley was quickly forged the very first time I travelled through the area, and I quickly worked toward becoming Exalted with the faction. Being Exalted with The Tillers and having all four plots unlocked, I was able to purchase the farm, and I'm happy I get to call this place home (not to mention set my Hearthstone here!).

Right, first thing’s first: It’s time to till! The crops I planted yesterday are ready for harvest, and I want to make sure I plant some more today before heading out. With the patch you can now take work orders for various factions, allowing you to gain rep just by growing crops! I begin plowing my field, and much to my delight with each pass of the plow the Squatting Virmen are knocked out of their Occupied Soil, stunned and damaged. Huzzah! This is the point where I realize I'm doing a silly happy dance and force myself to stop out of embarrassment. To no one’s surprise, Luna gazes at me suspiciously while Shaggy just snorts and gnaws on his cud.

After quickly planting what’s left of my seeds and clearing away obstacles from my growing plants, I hop onto my Jade Pandaren Kite and make my way to the Shado-Pan Garrison. The portal to the new island is near the Shado-Pan garrison, and since I still want a Shado-Pan tiger of my very own, it’s time to exact some revenge for the Watchers on the Wall! With Tenwu of the Red Smoke at my side and our stealth giving us the edge, we swiftly work through the Sra’thik leaving a trail of lifeless bodies in our wake.

As I head to the portal, members of my guild begin to chatter about tomorrow’s scheduled raid in Heart of Fear. Though we've dipped our toes into Throne of Thunder Normal, we’re all pretty casual and still have some gearing up to do before we can make real attempts on the new bosses. A couple people are sharing some tactical ideas with one of our raid leaders. For me, I just make sure I hit hard, avoid standing in bad things, and toss a battle rez should the worst happen. But their impassioned planning gets me thinking: “Tomorrow, Un'sok . . . tomorrow you will meet your demise.” (You’ll have to picture me with my GRRR face on and my fist clenched in the air for this to be properly dramatic.)

Act III: That Lesson About Being Prepared

After tidying up what’s left of my Shado-Pan tasks for the day, a group begins to form to take on the Thundering Isle in force. We are unable to ignore the haunting calls of the mogu, the Zandalari, and the terrifying Thunder King. More importantly, the quest hub progression needs our help as our realm works together to conquer Lei Shen’s stronghold, and compelled by our patriotism, we set off. Arriving at the armada just offshore, we’re greeted by a mass of Kirin-Tor and Sunreaver Onslaught leaders, each one providing instruction as to the materials they need and creatures to be decimated. If we’re to battle our way into the Throne of Thunder, now is the time to step up! We report to Lor’themar and he provides us the option to assist in either PvE or PvP quests for that day, and upon completion we’re to receive a chest full of useful items. Today we choose PvE, although certainly many around us have clearly gone the PvP route with yellow-flagged names showing their intent. cheapest wow gold

We’re all pretty familiar with each other so this should go fairly smoothly. Moving together like a pride of lions, we weave in and out of every obstacle leaving a trail of destruction in our wakes. A few of us earn some green drops from the kills, otherwise they’d be sharded or auctioned, but these hold a specific significance. Some of the green items that drop on this island use the old Zul’Aman raid item appearances, perfect for transmogrification. We complete one of our tasks, then another, and it’s at this moment we finally pause. Just up the path in front of us is the Saurok Cave, and something just doesn't feel right. We've banded together against some pretty vicious foes in our past, but for some reason, this island gives us a chill of fear we’re not too familiar with. Steely and determined, we press forward and continue our attacks.

Trouble! As we’re managing a mass of mobs, along comes a rare spawn which puts a strain on our crew. Fortunately, just up the way is another group of adventurers and they join in to help us take down the beast. Whew! We wipe the sweat from our brows content that we’ve finally completed all of our quests. It’s a moment we can relish and finally catch our breath. Our Druid tank breaks the relaxing silence as he notices a few mysterious items in his inventory. They are called Shan’ze Ritual Stones and can apparently be used to summon a powerful rare creature. It’s at this point I can picture us all having the same look: Eyes squinted with determination, each of us looks around and we nod in unison. Let’s do this!

Tucked away off to one side of the island is a small clearing. It is here we realize we’re able to begin the summoning ritual. Eager for the chance to earn mounts, items, and rep-granting insignias our party chat fills with hopes for the coming kill. Suddenly, popping out of what can only be described as nether, a vicious brute by the name of Kor’dok appears before us. Before we have any time to consider our opponent the fight has already begun, and after an epic battle it concludes. A couple of us get bags filled with gems and enchanting materials, while the tank manages the unthinkable and wins a mount, a three-horned dinosaur formed of the darkest crystal, and guild chat erupts as he links his prize.

As we make our way back towards the armada, I notice a strange key in my inventory. Examining it more closely, I soon discover that it belongs to the Shado-Pan. The rest of my group goes on without me to take on their own adventures for this night, and after a quick discussion with one of the Shado-Pan leaders I'm snuck to a secret location. It’s a single-player scenario, and it’s full of treasure! Glorious and ornate, the room is a spectacle to behold. Littered about me are chests bulging with gold and powerfully rare antiquities, but I have only a short time to grab as much as I can, and the traps that protect the chests are designed to slow my progress. I make it out, alive, with arms full of riches and items.

Eager to continue my evening I queue for the first wing of the Throne of Thunder Raid Finder: Last Stand of the Zandalari. These new encounters test our group fearlessly, and the experience is too much for some to bear. As we fight on we pick up new valiant adventurers, and fight on until we've nothing left to fight. At the end of it I'm an ilvl 502 trinket richer, and find myself doing that same embarrassing happy dance from earlier.  wow gold for sale

Honestly, I cannot do any of this justice, so I will leave you with these parting words:

Whispers float on the winds of this island of a fearsome reptile, of a celestial spirit that guards a gateway, and of a legend that will weigh heavy upon the minds of triumphant heroes. And while each of these rumors is intriguing, what I've shared is but a day in Pandaria—a day that barely scratches the surface of what’s to come. I can feel my heart begin to race at the thought of the adventures I will have, and the places I'll explore, once Patch 5.2 comes. And while this story is fiction for the time being, soon it will be reality, and the Isle of Thunder’s mysteries will be revealed!

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Behind the Scenes: February 2013


Sinkholes (members only)
Sinkholes is a brand new distraction and diversion focused around the Dungeoneering skill. Each sinkhole - found on the main surface world - is like a mini dungeon, previously used by Bilrach to store his vast wealth and hoards of materials, ready for the day he reached his goal... or at least, that was his plan. The Gorajo - the strange race of creatures tormented by Bilrach - have taken it upon themselves to raid and clear out these sinkholes, and they will be looking for teams of five dungeoneering heroes to help them do it.

The content is designed to be accessed by a player of any level, and one to three main objectives must be completed before the dungeon warps out of control. Players will need to work together in a fast-paced race against time, gathering enough resources, killing enough creatures and finding enough totems to open up the dungeon's treasure room. However, there is a competitive element to this update. While you'll work together, you will be judged on your own. Outwit and undercut your teammates to have the strongest chance at the best rewards.

Once in the final room, the competition switches to a battle of wits, as players seek to shift the distribution of the treasure in their favour. You'll have an advantage if you did well in the first phase, and you'll use special cards - which were collected in the dungeon - in an attempt to grab the best rewards from under your fellow dungeon-delvers' noses. Dungeoneering XP and tokens and unique Gorajo-themed cosmetic gear lies within the treasure vault! Buy Runescape Gold

Slayer Tower Rework and Slayer Contracts (members only)
We’re totally revamping the Slayer Tower this month, improving the layout of the building to give easier access to its inhabitants and graphically reworking its walls, decoration and furniture. We are also adding a new floor, with an Agility requirement to access and more monster spawns to be found within. In addition, we are adding more stories explaining General Viggora (the tower's original constructor) and his life during the 2nd Age.

Finally, the Slayer Tower will be far more rewarding if you pick up a contract from the wannabe-warrior outside. Extra combat XP and cash rewards await, with an Early Bird Bonus for those completing one of these contracts soon after launch. For players who've got a suitable Slayer task already, special contracts will be available to offer some bonus Slayer XP - plus other rewards - for performing the task in the Slayer Tower.

The World Wakes (members only)

It’s not often that I write a Behind the Scenes article and find myself lost for words, but this is one of those times. Quite frankly, this is one of the most epic updates we have ever worked on and words alone can’t describe just how monumental it is. So, I’ll keep it brief:

It’s a Grandmaster-level quest, centred on... the original resting place of Guthix. Sought by treasure hunters and historians alike for hundreds of years, its discovery will shake the very core of Gielinor. But how will you choose to progress through it? It’s packed full of choices and the path that you take will have world-shaking consequences. Huge amounts of history and the story of the Guardians of Guthix can be found, as well as direct contact with some of RuneScape's most powerful characters. Buy Runescape Gold

In terms of requirements, we've tried something a little different. The only requirement to access the content is a combat level of 140+, although to unlock all of the rewards, on offer in the quest you’ll need to have completed several other Grandmaster quests, and a few others beside. In addition, you’ll need specific skills like 80 Prayer or 70 Slayer (to name a few) and fully explore all of this fabled home of Guthix. Rewards include over 800k in XP, new combat abilities for all points of the triangle, a magical ring, new cosmetic torso gear, and access to a brand new Slayer area with targets that drop shiny level 85 gloves and a pet. Not to worry, though - if you don't have all of the requirements for the rewards, you can come back later and claim them when you do.

Put aside a good few hours for this one, It will define this age and will be remembered in the hearts of every creature on Gielinor.
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Saturday, January 26, 2013

ArenaNet's Greatest Strength, and how it's Become their Greatest Weakness


Over the past week we've seen ArenaNet make a large push to engage the community and lay out their plans for 2013. After a wintersday update that included (virtually) no permanent content, it’s nice to see what they plan to add to the game long term. Here’s the issue though, despite a few confirmed changes coming in the January update, it seems like most of the good stuff isn’t hitting till February at the earliest, maybe even further. ArenaNet wooed it’s fanbase into a chant of “when it’s ready” before the launch of the game, but convincing them to wait months for basic features once the game is out has proved a slightly harder trick to pull.

I want to be extremely clear in my intentions here. I think the roadmap laid out by ArenaNet is stupendous. I even said so myself when they first started discussing it a few days ago. The issue for me has been the complete avoidance of specifics. I respect the fact that if you just don’t know, you just don’t know. I also respect and understand how difficult a path it is to navigate in the public sphere when discussing future plans. And if you dig around for some of my internet personas before I started writing for Guild Wars 2 Hub, you’ll find I'm a pretty staunch defender of ArenaNet and what they are doing.

So what's changed? I've been a paying customer since 15 minutes after they opened the presale doors. I waited months from spending real money on the game just to get a taste of a beta weekend. Why should I be upset that now that the game is out and I get to enjoy it, minus a few features that are still a couple months away? The issue isn't in the waiting, it’s in the delivery.

Before the launch of the game, it was perfectly valid for them to say, “We don’t know when the game will be coming out, so we can’t tell you when all of this will be done.”” But ArenaNet set the clock for themselves after launch when they started down this monthly update cycle. The issue with this seems apparent in hindsight, so allow me to Monday morning quarterback for a or sell Guild Wars 2 gold

ArenaNet had the luxury of 6 years of soft deadlines. I’m not naive enough to think they didn’t have internal deadlines and goals for the production of the game. But based on their handling of the development and betas it seems abundantly clear that while there were goals, they didn’t have hard deadlines. I think if the game had not been ready to ship on August 28th, it wouldn’t have. It was for that reason I put so much faith into ArenaNet to begin with. It was for that reason I was willing to put down money for a collector’s edition before I ever even played the game. It was because I believed that if something wasn’t right with the game, it wouldn’t ship.

This reassurance by ArenaNet that if something wasn't good enough for them, it wasn't good enough for the game, was (and is) the best thing ArenaNet had to offer. It was the unofficial badge of quality to everything that they did. What has happened since launch is what has appeared to be constant fudging of that code of standards to appease a fan base that from my perspective seemed relatively pleased. The two most glaring occurrences are horses that I have already beaten dead, but they are worth mentioning because I don’t think they are the cause of my recent frustration, but the symptoms of a deeper issue.(2)

Fractals of the Mist launched with so many bugs and issues, to call it “ready for live” is insulting to the quality of the rest of the game. And that quality bar isn’t there by happenstance. The bar is that high because every other feature in the game that wasn’t ready for launch (spectator mode, pvp ladders, guesting, etc.) got cut until it was. That’s not to mention the short sighted group mechanics it uses, something we are still awaiting a real fix for (And I don’t think the changes coming next week are near enough).

Ascended gear was launch right along side Fractals, and apart from the “did they or did they not break the manifesto” outrage that caused, no one would argue they were ready for launch either. Even the studio heads have come out and said they wish they had included them in the core game, and since they didn’t, they wish they had held them for later. Ascended Gear has made it harder to obtain a legendary weapon, not easier, and has lengthened the time it takes for new players to achieve top stats (both negatives in my eyes).guild wars 2 gold

The common thread in both of those red flag events was this. ArenaNet is having to balance two impossible goals. Never ship anything until it is ready, and ship a major update each month. As ambitious (and amazing) a goal it is for them to try and do monthly content, it has only one possible outcome. It will, and has, lowered the bar of quality for new content into the game. As much as I would like to pretend that players could just ignore the parts of the game that don’t live up to that standard, it’s simply not the reality.

If ArenaNet wants to stick to this monthly update cycle, they have to choose. Permit content into the game that simply isn’t ready. Or, and this seems to be the path we are on in 2013, string us along promising the moon when all they can deliver is a slice of cheese. I’m willing to wait for the moon.

I’m hoping that ArenaNet learns from their own lessons and starts being frank with it’s players. It is no accident that so many people defend ArenaNet’s direction. I have and will continue to argue for their vision for the game. But the bar of quality they set pre launch has not been honored since the launch of the game. To recapture that will not require promises of things to come, but open and honest dialog that the issues they face in development are complex and opaque.  C9 gold     MapleStory Mesos

Once they can recapture that humble inner dialog. Once they rededicate themselves to being forthright with their community that a feature isn’t coming because it’s not good enough (and then not wavering on that stance). Once they realize that rushing something out the door only serves to undermine the accomplishment of what they have already delivered. Then, I think, we will see an MMO grow from infancy to adolescence.

And if ArenaNet can learn how to do all of this post launch (something they mastered during beta), there is no ceiling on how good this game can be.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Massively Exclusive: New Vindictus video showcases Season 2


     Last week, we brought you an exclusive detailing the new Season 2 content hitting Vindictus, including a boss that can swallow players whole. Today, we have a new video so you can see that content in action!

    Have you ever wanted to grapple with a gigantic anthropomorphic octopus with spiked tentacles, or a towering  pirate captain? If so, Vindictus' two new bosses will be right up your alley. But a couple new bosses isn't all Season 2 has to offer; the trailer also tours through the new zones that these foes inhabit. Get an up close personal look at the the bugs and spear-wielding Jungle Trolls of Crescent Moon Island and the rain-soaked planks of the Ship Graveyard in the clip past the cut.   Buy And Sell Vindictus gold      Buy/Sell Runescape Gold

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Video Game: Dofus

      Dofus is an MMORPG with a twist. Unlike most MMORPGs, Dofus battles take place in an instanced battlefield, whereby the players and monsters take turns moving about on a tactical grid. There are a total of 15 character classes (at present), which are differentiated by their skill list, attribute affinities, and slight preferences for weapons . While individual skills are leveled up to create a character build, there are no skill trees. Each skill has a minimum level, and no other prerequisites.

     Of particular note is the economy of Dofus. Past the very beginning of the game, the player isn't going to find any equipment as drops from enemies, and only a very few basic consumables are sold in the NPC stores. Instead, all enemies drop a variety of objects that are used for crafting, although the standard gathering professions are also available for obtaining wood, grain or ore. Once an item is crafted it can be 'maged', which always the craftsman to alter the stats, which includes adding stats not normally found on the item, or boosting stats beyond what can normally be obtained.

    Overall, Dofus is not a game that takes itself too seriously. World Of Pun doesn't even begin to describe it. Further more, equipment ranged in appearance from your standard two-color cloak, to hats that are nothing more than a severed sheep head (complete with tongue still hanging out).

   An animated series is expected to come out in 2012 (after the completion of the series for its sequel Wakfu), followed by a movie in 2013.


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