Thursday, November 8, 2012

The operations team officially Description: Conquest Point caps related questions

     Recently, we have seen some of the players access Conquest Point caps still in doubt. Conquest Point caps Obtaining divided into three categories:
    The * rating battlefield - Rated Battlegrounds default Conquest Point caps in 1650, increasing the ceiling with increasing rating Battleground. By adding a higher rating battlefield challenge to the cap raised.
    * Arena - Arena Conquest Point caps for 1350 to increase integration with the Arena and increasing the ceiling by default.
    * Random Battleground - Random Battleground default conquer the points above the ceiling based on two ceilings. It will be based on the lower ceiling above you Conquest Points to match. For example: If a player does not play Rated Battlegrounds, arena team by a score of his weekly Conquest Points cap raised to 2000, then the upper limit of the Random Battleground Conquest Points Rated Battlegrounds Conquest Points cap for 1650.
    Should be noted that this is not a recent changes. The upper limit of the system already exists in the "World of Warcraft: Cataclysm 4.2 patch. Recently, online correction Random Battleground Conquest Points get the caps match for the two higher ceiling amended.

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