Monday, December 31, 2012

"C9" names will be recorded in the the the glory days thorns president Tan Association

     "C9" passion beta the hot continuous activity and enthusiasm of the players. With the first session, the second session of personal PVP season ended, the new battle for the Association has become the focus of various Association. The major online guild is propaganda constantly, actively preparing for the various matters to recruit all kinds of elite players join together to make the effort to Guild Wars, in order to allow their own guild in World War II to the throne pinnacle.

     Development of the well-known Association is a huge and firmly believe that the project, while C9 charm to attract players love this game, so that they unite into a force for their own goals, their greatest contribution to pay for the guild development . "C9" 3D action gaming giant system, open the action evolution of a new era, the name of president to take you into the development of the glory days thorns. (1)

The initial dream germination final honor and glory
As early as prior to the opening of the national dress, the official website of the Society of network platform gave all the players to bring the gospel. Various well-known online guild emotions have joined the the Tencent Association platform, settled "C9" Association "C9" finding opportunities for future expeditions. The official platform area activities abnormalities hot news of various members of the Guild Recruitment Area page is flocked by a group of passionate young people for their own dreams in order to prove their own to establish the glory days thorns Association, also appears in the top ten ranking among An oath, a promise, and countless of their pay in exchange for the honor and glory of today. (2)

Reasonable allocation of sustained development management
"No rules no standards" perseverance, perseverance. Society of the development needs of long-term accumulation of the Institute of Management and a combination of feeling and reason. To learn more about the glory days of the well-known Association thorn in the development of policy and management strategy, we are particularly invited to the glory days of thorns - planning president minor seventh, he did a brief interview. (3)

Reporter: the glory days thorns Association planning president minor seventh Hello, now level 17, the national dress of the first to reach the space of four full Guild Association, can you talk about your views?
Minor seventh: First, thanks to the a Tencent official this interview, and also to let more people know about my guild. C9 is a personal mutual aid team action fighting game, players join the Association of brush Association brought a copy to a GP point of growth, enhance the level of the Society's brought to the more powerful member of the Association of gain, the Society can be developed so well, the whole all effort, I am a member of the Society of proud.
Reporter: Well, that can not talk more about the origins of the Society of the glory days of thorns with the day-to-day management and development?
Minor seventh: Of course you can, in fact, the development of our association originated in a commitment to our President ink feather I found at the end of the second test with the beta and he does not delete files together with the team. In this way, and ink feather administrative president two weeks ago does not delete files, along with the establishment of a guild and begin recruiting members. Because of the popularity of the relationship, and some experience of the second test, the Association in the recruitment or relatively smooth. (4)

For the development and management of the Association, more tired early in the game. First, the management division to be clear, I am responsible for development policy formulation Association, of administrative president responsible for personnel management with everyday things, the decision-making of the president, every week fixed once a collective guild meetings. Association is relatively democratic, basically all the important decisions will vote on the voice channel.
In the game, initially we are all novices, management need every day to take the time to understand this game newcomers to help guild. Association early because of the restrictions on the number, many guild members after brushing their own fatigue value conscious exit Association to give the location of the members who did not brush fatigue value, here I especially want to thank the the quiet devotion Member Association. The Association develops to a certain extent Guild also need to develop skills and gain management needs daily positive this time shouting members of the team to brush copy of Goblin to earn more GP points.
Our association's mission is: to put an end to all illegal means (such as the use of plug-in and game BUG profit-making) on ??the game on the voice channel, and so better able to communicate with other members. Actively to participate in the the Association organization's activities.
Reporter: Association development is bound to encounter competitors, how to treat you for all views of the outside?
Small: My motto is: do not need to explain yourself to anyone, because people like you do not need to, without people like you would not believe. Everyone do things the words and deeds of like a, like a clear conscience, after all, this is just a game.
Reporter: Finally, there is no Message sent to those being developed in the guild leader?
Small seven: the development of the Association requires the efforts of all members of the intention to treat every member. (5)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Joy brush, four weapons easily run over surf coast Masters.

   Along the way, suffering heavily, especially precipitous Grand Canyon! Heavily guarded! I'm a person. Reminds me of a trail in my beleaguered, Once when brush and elements sister in blue strange has not changed, that sister disregard the mobs in front, directly over the Grand Canyon, a man went to a blue strange! Leaving alone my mobs swarm child. I shrunk (but I have four arms) I should also be able to fly over to go, nowhere to go in the case, I intend to try! (1)

I'm ready, began to take off, first to a roundhouse kick, still a little shy! At this critical juncture, I instantly think of speed and a hand the 998 investigation brush map moment, his name seemingly called Kaka, ah, is he! He was also a difference a Diudiu, but he could jump gone, so I think he was finally, how to jump, well, I started to fall down.

Looks like a flat cut access high winds kicked! Finally touched the enemy's rear, secretly weaknesses gunfire quick solution to the fighting, and sweep the battlefield. Next rapid betake Blue strange! The blue strange today seemingly collective travel.

Along the way, played too hard, and there are several handicap group stepped. But as a take up to four weapons, there is an opportunity to step back on anti! The road to see the legendary pumpkin knight, chat and he talked to drink tea and talk about life, talk about the ideal. Later he go and see my poor, he intends to send my 1000 pumpkin debris, I was happy watched him leave, and quickly ran over to pick up the shiny pumpkin box, excited to open, not to say that a good 1000! How one! Since then I no longer believe that the pumpkin box (saying the maximum out of the 10 fragments) (2)

Boss battle, at this last moment, someone came to see me.

Is the legendary the people poor three generations Ancient merchant! (3)

Dumped it a few ears of his honest hands sent the 30w a book. I still have to go out and buy ah, only buy it, the poor poor it.

With four weapons to fight the boss, I believe that I can to beat out the boss tears! (4) (5)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The operations team officially Description: Conquest Point caps related questions

     Recently, we have seen some of the players access Conquest Point caps still in doubt. Conquest Point caps Obtaining divided into three categories:
    The * rating battlefield - Rated Battlegrounds default Conquest Point caps in 1650, increasing the ceiling with increasing rating Battleground. By adding a higher rating battlefield challenge to the cap raised.
    * Arena - Arena Conquest Point caps for 1350 to increase integration with the Arena and increasing the ceiling by default.
    * Random Battleground - Random Battleground default conquer the points above the ceiling based on two ceilings. It will be based on the lower ceiling above you Conquest Points to match. For example: If a player does not play Rated Battlegrounds, arena team by a score of his weekly Conquest Points cap raised to 2000, then the upper limit of the Random Battleground Conquest Points Rated Battlegrounds Conquest Points cap for 1650.
    Should be noted that this is not a recent changes. The upper limit of the system already exists in the "World of Warcraft: Cataclysm 4.2 patch. Recently, online correction Random Battleground Conquest Points get the caps match for the two higher ceiling amended.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Total Obees45W Magic Star abyss Road

I 37 were removed from the abyss of the upper layer, leveling + murder average weekly 21W OBS revenue, currently 41 total OBS probably about 45W, but we serve OBS trade union 380W, but I have to buy equipment to enhance , to share with my little experience. (1)

Equipment selection:
If you are the powerful RMB fighters, you can skip this article do not read. I bought the the OBS equipment to follow the principle of least spend the OBS larger upgrade. Personally think that the most cost-effective 30 blue magic suit (only refers to the output attributes, weapons exceptions), is ideal for start-ups, when to buy, do not think this is over-loaded buy waste obs, step-by-step method will let you play OBS faster and faster. Followed by The captain of ten of set, Magic Star requirements are not very high on the defensive attributes, good operation + good awareness + trusted partner, so you can only wear a The captain of ten set school rushed to the rank of (of course, the equipment requirements can also be lower, depending on you three levels). In addition, I suggest that the weapons last buy, if they can rely on other means to get good weapons ignore the OBS weapons is a good choice.
I is the first to buy a 10Wobs magic equipment, began to change the current The captain of ten set4 pieces. Body are basically uniformed, 1300 + increase, 14% of flight acceleration, 21% Running acceleration.
Attribute selection:
Absolutely the most important attributes of the abyss of personal flight accelerated, murder, plunder the goods must. Uniformed pants, clothes, hats have this property, you can consider giving priority to purchase three. Hit, get the book, hit basic enough, do not have to fight the hit gem, take jewelry, appropriate 2,3. Increase and blood, these two properties is everybody has his own opinion. I personally recommend, for equipment phase, the full increase, red rank of stages, appropriate to add some blood. Because I am convinced that, when all your operations and awareness override the time on top of each other, the best defense is a good offense.
Imprint: Curse of the tree, Beger's wisdom (25% cast acceleration) essential, the wisdom of that 300 increase because of the relationship with the Beger total CD, can be taken down. Two random Recommended Rumi El wisdom (50% of the provincial blue), leveling is very good.
Potion: the higher the flight nostrums, (better course, better) life nostrums (at least intermediate). No matter what time had prepared two kinds, I also want to say that after the flight medicine facelift eat BUG be fixed, I kill efficiency is greatly reduced, often because of the lack of time-of-flight was forced to land and then burned by the wheel. Life nostrums will not say.
Syrup Advanced stage (rushed the rank stage): superior treatment syrup, mainly used to unwrapping deceleration silence and DOT. Not solve the state inside the biggest threat in the case of the sword star grasping feet. Other combat and then go into the details. Then winds reel, at least above the intermediate level, Paolu kill essential goods, Who is Who says good. Then is the impact of the solution slowly curse, a small shield.
Forgot to say fine mystery drug also ready to point. Combat sometimes continuing for a long time there will be blue enough.
Some of the details:
First anti-wolf Channel: most people are aware of his stay there in the abyss. If you do not understand, then quickly asked the others to learn to.
Then the anti-anti-wolf: enemy intelligence in your channel information immediately or as soon as possible to stop any action make anti-wolf channels alarm. Then search for the target, and then decide whether war is withdrawn.
Looked up the habit: especially when you are leveling, every once in a while habitual look at the sky there is no enemy, know effective against the enemies of the anti-anti-wolf. The shorter interval, the more favorable to you, of course, you are more tired.
Always pay attention to the the surrounding trends: the first observation of the next four weeks and above have no enemies in the air, there is no longer up before you find prey ready approached attack. When you begin to display their skills, determine the other found no signs that you do not run away when perspective leveled and look around.
The goals and objectives of the distance of the target: the open, will see, will use on the line. The goals you when appropriate, you can retreat to a teammate output.
Target your teammates, you can best output. Target distance, learn to grasp a good distance, the the mage skills required to display their time, not mishandled output.
Prompt skills the to removable cast: this should Needless to say it.
The shackles of winter: in the air, ice stealth kill Star, of course, you have to know the stealth kill the star position.
Ice Armor leave the body: it turns out, the Ice Armor trigger not only is valid only on physical attacks, magic attack. So I PK basic Ice Armor without leveling with earth, fire A.
OBS acquisition:
Magic take the the OBS most efficient way is to go it alone, of course, this is a very selfish way, for those on the unfair treatment and guard them. But I was just in the impact statements to the fact whether or not to adopt, you decide.
The rank will affect the income OBS Earth people know. The character level impact, kill you than the low level, OBS will be greatly reduced, so I do not recommend the level of coming to the fore. In addition, I personally feel the highest level (rank) will affect the OBS obtained, it is recommended that you have a low-scoring equipment will need to purchase OBS, the first not save to buy high scores equipment. In other words, is to make the highest rank you as much as possible liter slow.
The attack the Daguai enemy OBS will be based on how much to discount his blood, but not Daguai enemy blood does not affect the acquired OBS. So do not miss the opportunity to keep the corpse appropriate, you can leave the other one then lurking on the edge, let him save lives, save up at least 1 minute weakness immediately so that you can easily go up to get rid of, and there is to keep the resurrection stone . Although not very kind, but in order to OBS, only under this underhand.
For each career:
Talk about my career probably thinking, basic fixed routine does not make sense, because the reality is often not Yichen unchanged.
Guardian: many Modao think the bow is the biggest threat to their own, it is not true, the guardian is, and this is my guardian put a reason. Equipment a good guardian can definitely make you abhor the pain of the disease, blood more thick-skinned, DP instant blood back to full, often let you hit the blue sky does not kill him. If your flight is not as fast as the guardian, then congratulations, you have no opportunity that you can not even run away, waiting to go die. I had been guarding knife violence over 1000 + damage crackling Magic, so do not underestimate the guardian. This profession is the only one I attack, can counter kill me.
Bow Star: the Bow Star Magic injury is certainly fierce, but its fragility is not invincible. Melee multi-use air-conditioners summon gap with supplemental fire cage, corrosion (Do not forget this skill, to kill and to deal with the concentrated dodge are very good), about 2-3 times a air-conditioners summon will be able to resolve the fighting, pay attention to the blood complement shield, silent for a solution right away, you run away if the bow to be sleeping, that there is no way. The advantages of remote warfare not pay attention to the first fire cage + winding distance consume blood, no solution to make up a good shield and blood, and then open the white Agere 25M meters of ice plus even close 5 m + Fire 2 even. If the wound is solution, then use your flying speed advantage with fire cage + Corrosion consumption of blood opened 25M close air conditioners summoned to take advantage of the the bow shackles Arrow CD period in the case of blood dominant.
Sword Star: the greatest threat to this career is eight seconds grasping feet, singled better if more than the other two, you basically game. Singled out, the old rules, the first use of fire cage + corrosion consumption of blood, maintain a distance of 20M away optimistic about their own state, if caught feet, immediately wrapped around each other, and then immediately put Frostbolt no solution, interrupting Frostbolt, etc. 5M after playing behind basically no suspense. Open white Agere, ice 2 even close casually kill. If the solution, and then just when he flew into the body during ice 2 should not even put out a sword Star, will be affixed to the close, you can use air-conditioning + prompt to fight with him, not much attention to the blood complement shield problems. The smart sword Star will tell you to keep 5M, so that he can hit you, your air-conditioning Summons not hit him, then Yingkang this time, the anti-But Only dead.
Kill Star: For me, in addition to the equipment to be able to attack my kind of basic disregard. Given kill stars occupational settings, directly from his attack on me to start a discussion, the other will only make the battle easier. Do not attack is really nothing, and did not kill, run away a few general the opportunity to attack in the air killed Star fire cage + wound immediately take off, highlight the fight with Kill Star and sword Star land because their instantaneous air bound directly seconds. If you kill the star out of the solution, and then use your flight advantage blood complement shield + fire cage corrosion consumption of blood, the blood does not disadvantage the case, can suddenly turn back the brush of air-conditioners summon.
Because not to the back, the front of the battle to kill Star playing no major damage, and then opened and continue to fire cage + air conditioning summon CD, air-conditioners and then continue to brush summon count his skills to open resistance, will not be more than four times can resolve the fighting, this method is also used in the air encounters. If you kill the star is no solution, then the next like how to play on how to play. You first cast Ice 2 even pay attention to see if he did not open open skills, he opened concentrate dodge, then immediately interrupted by magic, lost a corrosion destroy his concentration dodge, add ice, if he is open to avoid contracts Similarly interrupted , corrosion + fire, cage, then send him Hellfire. If hard ice cream 2 even behind the fighting basically no suspense.
Cure and law enforcement: Occupational did to the 40 before more difficult to kill, it is difficult for them to kill you. Future soul freeze to 40, very easy to kill these two occupations.
Wizard Star and Magic: Elf Star war without the support of the BB is very weak note to dodge fear Basic no problem. Magic is more than personal technology, currently the hostile camp did not find powerful Magic Star. Note first silence, then go to catch up wound + ice + air conditioners. Just get silence attention to escape eight seconds, which is wrapped around the medicine hydrolysis.
Overall, the the abyss appeared singled the opportunity is very small. A variety of attack and counter-kill, 1VN, team battles can be used as an extension of the single version. AOE skills because this game can be ignored. If the team battles, it is recommended to first kill the star bow, followed by the Magic, Note by the sword grasping feet. Own reaction to decide it according to the actual situation.
Recommendations for red rank of:
The Magic indeed take OBS fastest career, but not the most suitable red rank of career, if you have a trusted guardian or cure a friend, then, to take the OBS with their.
Write so much, sure some will inevitably omissions, friends welcome to keep abreast of the questions, I see answers must try to answer.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The monks fans run cool stream program experience and equipped with Raiders

(A) Firstly monks Parkour core skills: Storm-range raid

Rune downwind line the reason? Speed! speed is to run cool life!

This skill is a misunderstanding, first glance you would think the consumption of 10 points per second after starting 15 essence essence.

The actual use of it is far greater than the 10 essence, look carefully after additional consumption 10 points essence "and did not say consumption of 10 points per second.

Tested, the the fine gas consumption of 10 points is tied with the attack speed skills more detailed explanation should be after additional consumption per second, the essence of the attack speed * 10 points.

Such as my 1.08 attack speed per second, then the consumption is 1.08 * 10 = 10.8 per second.

Storm Parkour Build equipped basic elements of this consumption can:

Assurance the unlimited the Storm, equipment and skills piled up back to the gas should be greater than or equal to the consumption;

Consumption linked with IAS should minimize the attack speed to give up armor attack speed, select the hands and arms, try to heap high average damage, critical hit chance, blast injuries.

(B) the boxing skills to select

Parkour flow core is efficiency, speed and skills should be the standard.

Essential skills: Admiralty broken condensable gas shock wave - Admiralty Can seconds mobs efficiency standard 1.0.4 Act III the monster a bell can not kill, or do not run cool.

Necessary Skills: breeze evil - back to the gas enough election back gas storm without four selected Venerable Yin Na;

The essential passive skills: Guardian Road - with who knows the return-air skills;

Boxing to recommend Thunder vitality breathe is very poor. Boxing back or gas well, back to the gas boxing select had monks did a study, the most efficient gas Rune ponley back.

Recommended divine passive, with who knows who. Other skills can figure, the calculation of the next time gas make up what is valid and what is not.

(C) equipped

The core equipment: 2 + back to the gas Yinna head + return air Jordan, vampire Adams Cowen, conditional into 4 Yinna sets.

Equipped with the whole idea is to give up the IAS, heap limit average damage, crit rate, blast injury, the heap running speed. Please remember to be equipped with the most important point: the head and Jordan back to the gas must be high, about 2.2 best.

Because if the equipment can provide 4.4 back to the gas, and only need to bring the two skills (back Qijin wind or back to the gas treatment mantra 3:00, Guardian Road), 12% of the return air again with Knight.

So that we can (4.4 +3) * 1.47 = 10.878 Build will be able to select the conviction rather than the treatment of the mantra and the choice of the liberation of the other two passive skill.

Equipment the higher the return-air skills heap back to the gas pressure to the smaller, more can use the attack to the skills, or the return air skills and passive too much last with them would be very embarrassing, such as return air had to bring back gas treatment mantra enough to cause injury too low, such as the return air is not enough with divine But equipment heap of monoclonal antibodies to abandon Heaven resistance appalling and the like. Repurchase Gas Installations sure to calculate a good return air.

(D) use Build

Please note: the Build is said to have fitted with equipment based on the return air must be standard.

Parkour can do very efficient basically more than 100,000 DPS 1.0.4 (25 minutes).

Please use your favorite key bits set, I was bound by a space 4 skills directly press the spacebar:

1. 2-3PP (almost 1.0.4 Act III blood first, 4 Yinna, with Knight, IAS 1.08) with the harmony between man and nature, hole candle machine.

No 4 Please Yinna-for-20 seconds breeze, the Shingon change infuriating operation, dead more Please change the Qixing Demons doomsday or exchange Der Spiegel sealing.

2. 5PP-7PP, 16.3 DPS, go to Heaven 427 full resistant 5500 armor
, IAS 1.08,4 Yinna.

5PP This Build energy efficiency Parkour, 6-7 barely able to run, with Invincible will be a lot safer.

Fitted key recommendation Build to heap full anti-abandoned Heaven (or Armor heap to give up sensitive turn A) using the saintly, 1:00 back gas to ease back to the gas pressure. Head and Jordan back to gas need not be so many more options, can give up Knight with Linden. Linden with Blizzard Catapult 13 + freeze probability 105 absolutely easy to use, itself control skills and great.